Foul Winds

Foul Winds


Foul Winds, pollution, poetry

gray skies from the east

rampant pollution to the south

arid land begging for water in the west

tar sand and pipelines descend from the north


despair in too many homes

war in too many lands

will humans ever grow up

or is this the end of man


will the foul winds cease

or have we ruined mother earth

alarmists may call for the end of days

but I chose to love and praise


This poem is a gentle reminder to my fearful mind that the best thing we can do is offer our loving thoughts, words and actions.

May foul winds blow fresh with our conscious loving choices, πŸ™‚


10 thoughts on “Foul Winds

  1. Powerful, thoughtful and loving, Brad.

    I have always liked what a few Latin American countries have done, starting with Ecuador and more recently Bolivia, in giving Mother Earth/The Natural world legal rights. What a powerful statement.
    What if each of us made an equally powerful personal statement through our actions?

    It’s time for us — many more of us — to recommit ourselves to the earth in a big strong way.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree Cynthia, those countries are very progressive in their approach to shared resources. I’m glad you and many others care and are learning to live more in harmony with Mother Earth. blessings, πŸ™‚


  3. A great Poem Brad, and no I had not started my rounds of catch ups today.. :-), We are both on the same Page πŸ™‚ and we both care deeply about Humanity… And we are both Human to our Emotions..

    Love and Blessings, and wishing you a peaceful weekend Brad.. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This reminds me of the difference between our circle of concern, and circle of influence. We may not have power of everything in our circle of concern, but we do have power over what occurs in our circle of influence. And we can expand it by focusing our attention there – beautiful words, evocative image, and loving message – thank you Brad πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

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