Awesome Stories 1.47

This week in Awesome Stories, we look at legends, happiness,  cob homes, the compliment guys and more.

The Legend of Shelagh

Shelagh Gordon

image from

I’ve never met Shelagh Gordon, but her story continues like an epic legend. She keeps touching lives even after her death. Shelagh lived a rich and full life in her own quirky and kind way. Read this awesome post by Catherine Porter about Shelagh and the amazing impact she made on friends, family and Catherine, who has never met Shelagh.

Bank of Happiness

I’ve written about the sharing economy before. This is a wonderful example of using the gift economy to help others and follow her passion by providing a place to exchange goods and services for no charge. Airi Kivi started the Bank of Happiness to help people struggling with the horrible economy in Estonia. In this beautiful example of the sharing economy, kindness is the currency.

Football Team’s Life Changing Play

I won’t spoil it for you, just watch this video for a touching surprise by Olivet Middle School Football team.

10 Simple Happiness Tips 10 happiness tips

Here’s a helpful list of ten simple things that can help make you happier from Yes! Magazine. The article gives you the science and simple actions to help get started. I’m doing well at savoring and gratitude, but need more work on setting goals and making friends. What are you doing well? Here’s a video and poem to help Open Your Heart to Gratitude.

Make It Right

Brad Pitt created a foundation to help build new homes for New Orlean’s residents after hurricane Katrina. Now, his foundation has created a sustainable apartment complex in Kansas City. I’d love to see this intriguing project that transformed an abandoned school into an affordable LEED Platinum apartment building. They have the noble goal to provide high performance and quality, affordable homes. They’ve also created Make It Right Solar to help bring affordable solar to people in need.

Cool Cob

Check out these cool cob homes on the Natural Homes website. Cob homes are usually very simply, hand made earthen homes. The cob material is a mixture of clay, sand and straw. They look very cozy and appealing to me. How about you?

Kindness: Mister Rogers StyleKindness: Mister Rogers style

Here’s a fun article describing a few of the many things that made Mr. Fred Rogers a special man, and a great model of kindness in action. All of us, especially today’s celebrities could learn a lot from him.

Need a Compliment?

These two college students have created a fun ritual on the campus of Purdue. Brett Westcott and Cameron Brown, aka The Compliment Guys, set up across from the chemistry building every Wednesday afternoon to compliment people passing by. Sounds like fun, want to try it with me? Friends and I did this at the local mall offering free hugs. It was interesting to see the different responses from total joy to on the fence to closed.

If the Shoe Fits

Here’s a young man with a big heart and passion. Nicholas Lowinger believes that having new shoes that fit can make a world of difference to a child, especially homeless kids. At the tender age of 5, he was touched by the plight of kids who didn’t even have good shoes so he started donating used shoes to local shelters. By age 12, he started a program to donate new shoes, and later created the Gotta Have Sole Foundation that has donated new shoes to 10,000  kids in 21 states! Read the full story to learn what inspires and motivates him.

I hope you had an awesome week filled with food, fun and family for Thanksgiving. I stayed home working on my new landscaping design thanks to Dawn of Gardens By You and Me, and almost forgot to post! Blessings, Brad

8 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 1.47

  1. This is awesome, Brad!! How you have linked so many articles! could you please tell me how to create such links that they open when we click on it? Since I am technologically very poor, please help me into your richness.

    I have read a few links and liked them. I am going to click on the rat too. Thanks for sharing a unique post.


  2. You’re very welcome Balroop. I love finding and sharing inspiring stories. About the links, first you underline the text that you want to be the link. Then, in the top row of the toolbar, there is an icon that looks like a link, click on it to open, then your copy and past the URL address of the site that you want to link to. Press save and now that URL will be linked and highlighted in your text copy on the page. If this doesn’t make sense you might try watching some WordPress video tutorials. Just experiment with new things on your site too. Practice with a draft post. Good luck. Brad


  3. Can’t decide which article/story brought the biggest smile to my face. Nic and his shoes effort had me beam with pride (for him); Cob homes are toasty and cozy; but the goofballs at Purdue we’re probably this edition of Awesome Stories winners – at least in my mind. Their’s is a low budget, let’s have fun initiaitive and it made the day for a lot of people. Hope you’re week is as enjoyable and those you’ve featured, Brad. 🙂


  4. Those who believe in a Creator God should know that everything we can have is because that Divine Creator, the Adonai Elohim Hashem Jehovhah, allows it to be. Because it is always a God given present we should be thankful for it and be willing to share it with others. We also should have respect for the creation and should use the elements of nature sparingly, not squandering. Those things we do not need any-more we should not throw away or sell for getting much more gain out of it, but instead wasting it we should be willing to sharing it with others who may need it more than we.

    By sharing our goods we are able to help each other. Lets be so loving to each other that we share freely.

    God bless.


    • Thanks for sharing your views. We are given many wonderful gifts, especially this precious life and planet. Hopefully more of us will walk together from many paths to share, help, respect and encourage each other.
      Blessings, Brad


  5. Thanks Eric, My weeks and days are filled with more fun and joy thanks especially to readers like you who take the time to comment. It’s very nice to be connecting with you and other readers. I appreciate you Eric.


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